Aug 20, 2010

There is a study that is linking pesticides to attention problems (ADD, ADHD).   You can read about it here

Aug 18, 2010

Senior year is starting for my stepdaughter, who is our oldest.  She is so geeked over senior year and senior year activities.  I wouldn't doubt if she's already looking at prom dresses for spring!

For our youngest, she is starting kindergarten.  I am sure I will cry on her first day and I really don't want to do that!!

Then the other four kids in between in elementary, junior high, and high school.  Yes, we have a lot of kids. 

Aug 10, 2010

I have updated all the latest on my thyroid health on my thyroid blog.  Don't forget to check it out if you have thyroid problems! 

School will be in session in two weeks.  I need to use that time with the kids all in school to increase my workload and get organized.  I should probably get organized and THEN increase my workload.  Otherwise, I'll get scattered.  I need to look at good document management software to manage everything I do since it is all on the computer. I need to be able to find a document right when I need it and not search through directories for awhile until I come across it.

Here's to getting organized and working more for more money!!