Dec 28, 2010

Woo hoo!  Despite the holidays, I have managed to lose another 1.2 pounds.  This is awesome.  I'm on my next leg of my weight loss goal!  Can't wait to reach my ultimate goal!

Dec 19, 2010

My weight loss has hit a plateau and it isn't coming off anymore (at least not in the last week).  With the holidays approaching so fast, and two of four of my kids down with the stomach flu, I am more worried about lack of sleep than my weight at the moment.  I'm hoping I don't get the flu because with four kids, I really don't have time to be sick.  As a mom, I'll put on the under eye cream and keep chugging! Cheer practices, family, xmas, xmas dinner, new year's, basketball games - I really have no time to get sick!

Dec 15, 2010

Actually, I think it's more like 23 but I can't remember for sure what my exact weight was at its highest.  I'll round it to 20 and be happy with that.  Now onto the last 16 pounds.  I'm ready to take them on.  It's hard to buy a lot of healthy food because it tends to be more expensive though the price of organic has come down some.  I need to cut costs around the house (like eating out, cheap car insurance, and making lunches) so a little higher grocery bill isn't breaking the bank.

Dec 11, 2010

A friend was talking to me about nemo tents.  I was thinking Nemo (as in Finding Nemo, the little clown fish) and that it was a tent for kids - a great christmas gift idea for my kids.  Oops.  I was wrong. 

This is one design of a Nemo tent pictured on the left (there are many different kinds of Nemo tents to choose from).  If you're a camper who wants to travel lightweight and camps in unpleasant conditions, check out the Nemo tent!  It's not a clown fish tent (boy am I silly). 

If you have thyroid disease and have tried everything to lose weight (exercise, Lipofuze, diets, etc.), you should really have your T3 hormone levels checked.  If they're not in the high normal range, you should consider raising your T3 levels (with prescription T3).  A small bump in mine has made all the difference. 

Also, most doctors don't check this, but request that your Reverse T3 be checked.  If your Reverse T3 is high, all the T4 you  are taking isn't going to help you because it's not converting into T3 correctly but instead converting into Reverse T3 (which isn't good).  If your doctor won't test your T3 or T4, and only depends on the TSH levels, you need a new doctor. 

Dec 2, 2010

Anybody have personal experience with acsonix? It's a natural acne mask. I'm curious if it works well or not, especially on combination skin. Perhaps I need a mask just for my nose.  At 39 years old, I really thought I would have left zits behind - like about 20 years ago!  How can my forehead and cheeks be flaking while my nose is pimpling out?  Yuck. 

I've noticed that the joint pain I've had for the last couple of years hasn't decreased yet.  I don't know if it is thyroid-related, too much time at the computer in the wrong chair, or something else not yet diagnosed.  Whenever I get up, I have to walk it off.  It takes a few steps and then it's gone.  Makes me feel old.

Perhaps I should check out for joint pain. It's supposed to help rebuild cartilage. I wonder if that would help my TMJ (temporal mandibular joint disease - basically, I have no cartilage between my jaw bones).

I haven't found a "healthy me" yet but I am getting there in part due to my recently diagnosed gallbladder disease ( do those hurt) and my T3 dose increase.  I have 19.2 pounds left to go.  I am finally losing all that weight I regained back so I am back on track!  I didn't even gain any weight over Thanksgiving.

My skin is still messed up a bit - eczema in some areas, the need to visit in other areas, and then weird callus-like roughness and flaking on my right ankle (what the heck is that?).  

I'm just happy to get on the scale and see it going down again!