Mar 31, 2014

Builders, painters, home improvement gurus, you all know what trisodium phosphate (TSP) is, right? That degreasing, cleaner? Did you know, you and your kids might be eating it for breakfast?

Here's the video.

Some people say it's ok, other's don't. What say you?

Mar 25, 2014

My daughter sees several storefronts in our little town for rent and keeps asking us to rent one and open our own business. I briefly thought about it but I don't have that kind of start-up cash, have no idea what kind of business we would open, and if I'd want to tie myself to a family business around the clock.

I could open a bookstore/coffeehouse. I could get into a bookstore type of business since I am quite the bookworm nerd. I've thought about a self-defense store as well. Our town doesn't have one of those. 

Or, I could nix the storefront and just go with eoncode web2print instead.

Since we are considering homeschooling, a storefront business is not the most feasible to start.

Out of all the bad food choices we make, if we had to eliminate one choice that would make the most difference to our health, what would it be?

Mar 11, 2014

In two weeks, we start college visits for our oldest child. We have appointments for one college that is within driving distance (but way too expensive) and one she would have to live in the dorms in order to attend but it's much more affordable than the private, local college. Scary times, thinking about my daughter leaving home in what could be forever. In any event, things are going to change.

Gosh, I really can't believe my firstborn little girl is growing up.

This bug I've been dealing with for a week should be well and gone by the first college visit...just in time for me to get all teary and stuffy head weeping over the fact my kid is looking at colleges.

All winter long, I nursed kids and my husband while they went through the stomach virus and colds.  Each of them (five) all passed things back and forth and even though I was in the middle of it all, I got by without catching their bug. 

Cue spring. It's warming up, spring is on its way. What happens? I get a cold! No! Ack! I almost made it.