Finding myself again.
So we are looking at buying a horse boarding business that happens to be run on the property we are looking at buying (we are home shopping). It has almost 13 acres. Good thing is - we wouldn't have to move our horses to our new home...they're boarded at that same stable.
It has a playset (like these playsets in chesapeake) in the backyard for the kids already that we'd leave until our youngest outgrew. Then I'd go pool shopping I think. Maybe hot tub shopping too.
Not sure we are ready to own an equine boarding facility but the thought is out there. We'll have to think about it.
Labels: work at home
I know it's only July but it's time to start getting ready for the next school year (boo, I know). Soccer started a few weeks ago. Cheer has started but it isn't mandatory yet. Band camp starts next week and we need drum sticks so we're taking a drive into the city today (I can say that because we live in the boonies) for sticks. I wish we had time to order the ones my son would really want but we'll make do with the music store the school uses.
I prefer to buy things from big name music places like Musician's Friend. Learn more about us at However, as is the "norm" with teenagers, we didn't find out in enough time to get what we needed here by the crack of dawn Monday morning.
Labels: school