Dec 14, 2015


I used to be pro-vax. Hmmm...not really pro-vax but just did what the doctors told me to do without thought. No thought whatsoever to how many vaccines my babies were being given at once or what was in them. I didn't compare the small number of vaccines my generation received to the huge bombardment kids get today and wonder about why. We did more research on a car we wanted to buy than what was being injected in our child's body. Reactions were dismissed as no big deal. That's shameful to me now. That was a parent fail. Until a light bulb went off and I started reading and researching the studies, the conflicts of interest, the vaccine injured and how it's dismissed, the greed that fuels the industry, experienced firsthand the way many doctors are led by big Pharma. Until I wondered how people who think our govt is corrupt, lying, greedy cheats automatically trust them with our children's lives and to protect us when they're tied to Big Pharma. 

At least if you're going to vaccinate, educate yourself with the vaccine insert (not the summary sheet your dr gives you but the big insert), educate yourself about individual vaccines instead of the multiple vaccines in one, and spread them out. Don't bombard a baby's immune system with so much at once. Many people who are anti vaccine used to be for them and there's a reason they're not now.