Mar 30, 2013

Monday is my beginning to a workout that I hope will get rid of the flab and give me a body I haven't seen in years! I am starting Insanity by Beachbody and Shaun T on Monday - and it's April Fools Day.  It's not a joke either!

Three is a survey here that says unvaccinated children get sick less often. All the results for asthma, allergies, ADHD, autism, migraines, autoimmune disorders, sensory, speech, etc. can be found here.

Something to definitely do more research on. Interesting.

Mar 25, 2013

I was looking at this list on the NIH government page ( and saw the inventors listed. The inventors can make a ton of money off inventing things, correct? NCI (, NIAID (, NIDCD (, NIEHS (, are shown as some of the inventors. These are ALL government web sites shown under "inventors". So, the government makes a ton of money off pushing medications and vaccines that aren't proven to not cause harm? Really, how many times has a drug or vaccine been given to the public, only to find out later it causes harm or death? 

So, it's not just that Big Pharma is in bed with the government with money changing hands, etc. I would look at this more as government IS A PART OF Big Pharma.

Can you trust drugs where the person requiring their use is making money off of them?

Mar 11, 2013

A couple weeks ago, I purchased Hip Hop Abs from Live Core Fitness (my Beachbody coach). This is an exercise program by Shaun T.

I started it last week and I love Hip Hop Abs.  It isn't boring (where you are counting down until it is over), probably because I have always loved to dance and I love Hip Hop dancing (I call it street dancing...come on, who DIDN'T like watching Channing Tatum street dance in Magic Mike?).  In the last few years, I've definitely lost my groove (who has time to go out dancing with a huge family) but I am starting to feel like I am getting a little bit of my groove back.

If you are getting back into fitness and looking for something to hold your interest, Hip Hop Abs can be done by the very beginner (believe me, my asthma would take me out if I didn't start at the very beginning at my fitness level).