Nov 7, 2013

I've been reading about detoxing lately. I just read an article this morning about detoxing your pineal gland. I don't even know where that is! Should I know where that is? I will do some research and see because I have no clue.

I'm trying to online shop right now for Christmas and my dogs won't stop barking outside. How can I price saxophones and reeds for alto saxophone while my Shepard is barking her fool head off?

I just LOVE the day when we got new neighbors (a month ago) who brought two dogs with them, who don't leash them so they run into our yard and get my fenced dogs riled up.


I better get back to shopping. I'm trying to come up with things that aren't junk. That won't get discarded two days after Christmas like so many things. I'm trying to make this a smart Christmas (huh, I'm assuming that I, myself, am smart enough to do that).

Anybody know how to teach dogs to only bark a warning and then keep their canine mouths shut when I tell them to?


I really need to update this blog. I haven't changed my weight ticker in a long time. I think I should change the layout and theme.

Maybe I will change them all just for the holidays and change them again afterward - keepin' it fresh.

I have not needed my asthma inhaler in at least a year.  It's been know, being able to breathe.

Then this week happens. I've had problems breathing every day this week. I grab an old rescue inhaler (expired).  I try it anyway because breathing is sorta important to me. It works a little but not enough.

Trip to the doctors this morning and I come home with an Advair prescription. Crap. Do you know how expensive these things are WITH insurance? Too much money for our large family but what can I do?

I don't know why I've not had any issues with my asthma for more than a year but it looks like I go back to inhalers again.