Jan 29, 2014

The chemical spill in West Virginia has me thinking. If something like that were to happen here, we would not be prepared in any way. Should we be stocking up on water? Should we be checking into filters (though I don't think those would have helped West Virginia).

For the health of my family, I think it's something we should be thinking about. I don't want to be a doomsday conspiracy theorist or anything but West Virginia was human error, right? That could happen. What if those flares knocks the power grid out? That's not conspiracy. They say that could really happen and soon.

It kinda hit home because we almost moved there 14 years ago. My husband turned the job down so we didn't move to West Virginia, right to the heart of the water crisis.

So part of my health issues and then the emergencies we've had the last couple years (my daughter grabbing a few hundred degrees worth of curling iron in the palm of her hand, my daughter's stomach issues she had at one point) all added up to medical debt we were drowning in.

I am HAPPY to say we are almost out of medical debt. After child support ended this past summer, I started applying that money towards the stack of medical bills and it has paid off - literally. We have ONE bill left.

Boy does that feel good.

Jan 24, 2014

We just bought a food processor. I am SO excited. Does that make me geeky?  I'm excited because I have this cookbook (Sneaky Chef) so I can hide veggies in the meals I make and the kids aren't supposed to know. Woot!

I just watched the Cuisnart DVD today to see how to use the thing (I've never used one before) and then I'll go straight to my cookbooks and start making my grocery list. 

I'm excited to get some healthier foods into my kids.

Just had thyroid tests done (blood tests).  How often do you get those run?  If often, how long have you been diagnosed with thyroid disease?

Jan 14, 2014

How's the real estate market? We want to put our house up for sale but we worry that the market isn't great and we won't get enough for it. I have alerts set up to get notices for houses in our area (and our home state because I'm always up for moving back home) but the one house we REALLY wanted, sold. Not sure when we will put it up for sale now.  I  keep hearing of an economic crash coming so I'm not sure if we should get out now or stay put and not take on more of a house payment.

I have a friend and a family member that got out of the business several years ago when the market crashed. I briefly considered getting into the market myself but didn't. I'm not a saleswoman. I saw an app online called goconnect real estate app for your phone for agents to use. I guess there's an app for everything! I like getting access to tools agents have because I want to know every little detail about a house I'm interested in (so I get log ins for regular real estate, notices sent for foreclosures, etc.) and I came across this app. Might be useful for a realtor.