Mar 20, 2009

I bought a pedometer. During the "Power Up" lectures at the YMCA, they gave us a sheet that told us our activity levels according to how many steps we take per day. I figured for $5, it's worth it to see just how active (or lazy) I am.

We are also signing up for a family membership at the YMCA. It's on special right now for $28/month. The price of that alone, to take the kids swimming a few times per month for a family activity together, is worth it (plus now they can have swim lessons and all the other kid activities they have). Add to that their fitness center and gym, yippee! It's a pretty nice YMCA so I can't wait until we get all the paperwork filled out and submitted. In the interim, we have a free 30-day family membership there.

The day before yesterday, my husband and I went walking with our youngest. He ended up carrying her through more than half the walk. I wish he could've carried me towards the end. I was so tired. I had a charlie horse in my leg yesterday...must've been in shock from lack of exercise, lol.

Something to make me feel better after a local salon cut my hair wrong, I got out the scissors this morning and fixed my hair a little bit so I am happier with it now.

I must've been in the hair cutting mood after cutting off all my husband's hair the other day when I went to town on mine this morning. I think he got tired of me asking him when he was going to get a haircut so he asked me to cut his. My 12 year old daughter is blaming me for her dad cutting off his hair (it was getting longer than mine). When the kids went to school, and we had some free time together alone, it was like being with the man I'd met all those years ago. Woo Hoo! We burned up some calories, lol.

Mar 13, 2009

For the past two weeks, I've been attending health seminars at our local YMCA with my 4th grader on eating right and fitness. The kids play in the gym with a fitness trainer while the parents sit in on lectures by pediatricians and dietitians on how to feed our children (and ourselves) right and the importance of exercise. After our lecture, we go into the gym and exercise with our kids. Last week, we ran around playing dodge ball in the gym with our 4th graders.

I'm drinking the Acai juice (not sure if it really works for weight loss but it does have antioxidants) and just bought an antioxidant supplement. I've upped my fiber intake too.

The pedometer I just received doesn't work (*sigh*) but I want to get another. Spring is coming so I want start walking.

If you haven't done so yet, you should check out and sign the petition to get President Obama to start an investigation into the Gardasil vaccine.

As teacher3rs pointed out in her comment to my original petition post, if you scroll down here, you can see comments from others who are worried about this vaccine and have experienced adverse reactions themselves. Read them please!

Mar 5, 2009

I think most of us have heard that NutraSweet is bad for you and that it has caused tumors in the lab rats it was tested on. I don't think people pay that much attention to it though. I found some more information on it and what it may do to you. Here it is.

Mar 4, 2009

If you want to add your name to the petition to President Obama and Congress, letting them know you want an investigation into the deaths and adverse reactions that are being ignored by the health field and creator of the vaccine, Gardasil, you can add your name and voice to these families' voices. The louder we get, the better we will be heard.

There is going to be an Internet forum that a 17-year-old and her mother will be participating in to discuss the serious reactions the child suffered after she received the Gardasil vaccine. It is a segment on KRFC FM Public Radio in Fort Collins, Colorado but you are supposed to be able to access it via the Internet on Monday at 8:00 p.m.

There is also more information being published about the lack of honesty towards parents. I think it is unprofessional, possibly criminal, not to inform parents of the adverse reactions to this vaccine. When my pediatrician suggested I give it to my daughter, she never told me about any adverse reactions. I am glad that I declined it at that time to do my own research before making the decision NOT to vaccinate with Gardasil.