Apr 2, 2009

OH.MY.GAWD!! We went out shopping a little bit ago and I grabbed a few pair of shorts, go into the dressing room to try them on, and freak way the heck out. I couldn't believe my thighs this year. They didn't look like that last year! I know the lighting is horrible in stores and my legs are ghostly white but still! I thought about crying, didn't, but I did put the shorts back on the rack. I bought two pair of capri pants instead. I came out and told my husband I wasn't getting into shorts this year until after we started exercising at the gym with the membership we just bought and I lost some weight. My husband says, "You don't look any different to me." He sees me everyday so he wouldn't notice. It's not often that I look at myself full-length (don't have a full-length mirror). Boy was I shocked (and disgusted).

I wish I'd had a decent camera to take a pic of what I looked like under the garish lights. Would've been great incentive to get rid of all the extra that was never there before. *shiver* I think the image is burned into my brain though so I shouldn't need the picture. I think I need bleach for my eyes.


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