Aug 27, 2009

100 kids have been vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine in a pediatric study that began last week. There are actually five other locations that are testing this vaccine on children for a total of 650 kids in the study.

The buzz is that it might take two vaccines for a child to develop immunity to H1N1 (Swine Flu).

There is no way in hell I would volunteer my children to take part in any study to test this vaccine. I think it would be irresponsible of me to make this decision and risk my child's health to make them guinea pigs.

The scare tactics a couple years ago for our children was MRSA. Now it's the swine flu when there is no guarantee that this vaccine would even work since the nature of a virus is to mutate. Children aren't guinea pigs!!

Read about it here.

Didn't we learn anything from all the damage the Gardasil vaccine has done yet? Put Gardasil in my search engine on this blog and see what you come up with.


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