Nov 22, 2010

I had another gall bladder attack on Friday - worse than the first but not as bad as the second.  Thankfully, it only lasted a few hours and was over with.  A quick trip thru a drive-thru brought it on.  I knew better too but I am hypoglycemic and when I started getting nauseous while on the road, with little time to spare, I couldn't pull over to eat a salad so I ate the bad stuff while I drove.  It looks like potatoes in grease is my trigger (such as french fries, hash browns). 

I need to eat better this week so I can enjoy the five day holiday my kids have from school, plus my in-laws are coming into town.  Then, there is shopping!  I am looking forward to Cyber Monday so I can start shopping for my four kids.

I hope everybody has a Happy Thanksgiving later this week! 


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