Nov 3, 2010

Getting healthy isn't going so well for me.  Apparently, I might have a gallbladder problem now if the two attacks I had over the weekend are any indication and are truly my gallbladder.  I'm 99% certain that it is my gallbladder.  The attacks were not fun.  Horrible in fact.  Pain worse than childbirth!

Thankfully, they only occurred during the night and didn't impact my day (other than being tired from lack of sleep).  I have too much to do during the day to get sidelined by illness.  Right now, I am on the hunt for baby thank you cards for a new mom whose child is going to celebrate his first birthday next week. I also have appointments to schedule and chauffeuring of my kids to do later for cheerleading. The gallbladder really needs to take a number!

If you came to this post through a gallbladder search, you might be looking for symptoms (I know I did!).  Mine were pain on the right side of my abdomen under my ribs, really bad pain around through my back, nausea, and vomiting.  I could not get comfortable in any position with some positions hurting more than others.  For my second attack, even the elastic waistband on my pajama bottoms hurt!  Both attacks came on after eating high fat meals earlier in the day.  One attack lasted 4-5 hours and the other lasted 2-1/2 hours.  They both stopped spontaneously (pain pills don't work). 


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