Oct 11, 2011

My new doctor tried to experiment with my thyroid meds by reducing my T3 dose slightly.  I tried it for two months and couldn't stand it any longer.  My hair started falling out, my periods were late and when they did decide to show up, they were too light (yes, there is such a thing...wish there wasn't).  So I am back on my regular dose and now I know just how sensitive my body is and just how much I need to take both T4 and T3.

It's amazing how such a small change can cause such havoc in my body.  It's also amazing to me that I went nine years before a doctor would finally agree to give me T3.  I obviously needed it! I am real tempted to write a letter to my former doctor advising her of how well I do on my new doctor's medication dosing (she and I did not see eye to eye on it at all no matter how I felt) hoping she'd reconsider and perhaps it'd help her next patient. Then I wonder if her ego is too big and why bother.

It's a shame how many people go without proper thyroid disease management when your thyroid affects every part of your body.  I spent nine years of my life miserable - hair falling out, memory loss, exhaustion, messed up periods, weight gain.  It never had to happen.  I feel like I wasted my 30's.  Not exactly medical malpractice.  I don't need to look up raleigh attorneys and find some legal relief for this but I do want my former doctors to know how their treatment made me worse and hope they learn from it?  I think writing them a letter will make me feel better anyway.


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