Jul 18, 2009

Is Golf Exercise?

I never thought about it before. I am horrible at golf. I've had private lessons, had my own set of ladies golf clubs, and belonged to a golf club. I could not hit that ball to save my life! It was very embarrassing.

A lot of people think of golf as a lazier sport. It doesn't have the constant movement of sports like swimming or basketball (or the aggression of football). People dress up to hit a little ball around the golf course. So how is it exercise?

According to this article, you walk up to five miles if you play 18 holes (that means you have to leave the golf cart behind!). You use a large muscle group every time you swing (I didn't realize that all those times I missed the ball and had to swing again, that it was actually GOOD for me). Finally, it's a stress reliever for some to be outdoors. Golf courses are kept up nice so the setting is definitely pretty.

That makes me think a little differently about golf. It won't make my swing any better though.


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