Nov 15, 2009

Since school started, I've had a couple respiratory infections and the flu. On Monday, I came down with a stomach bug - you know the symptoms: vomiting, chills, feeling miserable. By the worst of it, it hurt to inhale too. That was the most worrisome part to me. It was pretty miserable. My two oldest kids also had it but they just had vomiting and then they bounced back and were fine. I'm not sure why it hit me harder.

So "healthy me" hasn't been so healthy lately! At least it doesn't seem like it was H1N1, more like a seasonal flu. I'm taking vitamins, washing regularly...why do I keep getting sick? Maybe I should go to the doctor and get a check-up. Of course, that would mean having to find a doctor to begin with since I don't want to go back to the one I was using. I want a doctor who listens. I don't think because doctors wear lab coats that they're always right. My family doctor was more like a robot, only willing to go with the status quo instead of thinking for herself (and listening to what I was saying about how I felt).


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