Feb 19, 2010

Before using Advair, I had no control over my asthma attacks.  I had them frequently and used my rescue inhaler all day long.  After almost dying from an asthma attack and spending some time in a hospital, my doctor prescribed Advair.  I have not had one major asthma attack since.  In fact, I only use my rescue inhaler once every couple months on average.

Now the FDA is issuing a warning about Advair (and other long-acting beta antagonists such as Symbicort).  The main warning:

"...the agency cited studies that found that using the drugs alone can actually increase the severity of asthma, leading to hospitalizations and even death."
They go on to say:

"...The drugs should only be used for the shortest time possible, until asthma symptoms are under control, and be "discontinued, if possible, once asthma control is achieved," the agency said in a statement. People should then switch to another medication to maintain symptom control, the FDA said."
...and this:

"...most people should only require an inhaled corticosteroid to control their symptoms."

Since I have little faith in the FDA, it makes me wonder...

Is there really a problem with this medication which I know has saved my life?  Is somebody lining someone's pockets to get the FDA's warning to reduce the sale of this drug to the public (and is there another drug on the marketplace that will make the drug companies more money that they want pushed)?

I believe I'd be dead right now if not for having Advair.  My asthma was getting bad.  I came close once already to dying and don't want to get back to that point to where I'm gasping for every little bit of oxygen my siezed up airways would allow in.

Just like the FDA has messed up the distribution of natural desiccated thyroid medication that has helped thousands of people because pharmaceutical companies make more money off the synthetic crap that most doctors push, who are now left struggling and feeling bad because their thyroid disease isn't being managed properly, are there deeper motives behind the Advair warning or is it true?  I've never personally had any problem with Advair.  I can breathe again!  I don't know about the FDA, but breathing is really important to me!!!


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