May 31, 2010

It's been awhile since I've posted.  I was sick, then hospitalized, then sick after release.  I'm still not back at 100% yet, but hopefully within the next couple of weeks that will change. 

One positive to getting sick -  my husband had time off of work and in between taking care of me, he painted our entryway (which I've been after him to do for four years now).  He also finished a wall in the main living room as well so now after days of laying around on our old furniture, I am considering either contemporary furniture or a more traditional look. I'm just not sure yet what I want.

I'll get into the details of my illness a little later.  I have dinner on the stove so I am typing in between flipping hashbrowns right now.  Talk to you soon!

May 15, 2010

I was reading online and was looking up information on the apidexin scam but instead read that this weight loss supplement (fat burner) can also help with thyroid function. I'm not sure which ingredient in it does that though.

As you can tell, I'm still waiting for my doctor to call me back. If he had, and had changed my thyroid treatment, I wouldn't be so worried about this weight that is creeping back on.  I can feel my wedding ring getting tighter on my finger and it makes me feel claustrophobic.  Is that weird?  Anyhow, I don't want to have to take it off again.  I wish that doctor wasn't being a bonehead.

May 14, 2010

I have stressed myself into irritating my TMJ with my jaw this week.  How irritating to be irritated and then in pain on top of it because I was irritated.  Round and round we go...

My husband wanted his daughter to live here for her high school senior year because we have a program here that she could actually attend college, in place of high school, her senior year and take care of many of her core class requirements towards her college degree - for free, while in high school.  She doesn't want to leave her current school because of band camp and wanting to become squad leader.  My irritation is because band camp is NOT the most important thing in the world to her future and college plays a pretty big role in terms of her own long-term goals (graduate school).

She is going to retake her ACT test (which she could do either way), try to be squad leader and go to band camp versus getting a FREE head-start on college.  I don't understand turning this type of opportunity down at all.  I'd give anything to have an opportunity for a free year of college.  I'd love to go on and get my degree and then further by gmat prep to advance my studies.

I realize in high school, you really don't think beyond that day, that week, that month but FREE college classes?  This is SO important because neither her mother or father have money for her college tuition and this would be such a big help. 

So, I've been disappointed and upset, which means I've been clenching my jaw unknowingly.  I don't realize it until my TMJ starts to hurt.  If somebody handed me a free year of college, I'd grab it in a second! 

May 13, 2010

This morning, my husband asked me if my goiter was larger.  I've had a sore throat on and off the past few days but thought it was a cold.  When I felt my neck, yup, sure feels bigger to me.  For my husband to notice it from the other side of the room, it definitely had to change. 

I went online to look up other doctors in the area today but it took me so long to find this one, I know it'll take awhile to find another good doctor.  By the time my appointment rolls around in June, I'm going to need to lose more weight and might need some help if it just keeps rising, perhaps herbal phentermine.  I wonder if you can take diet supplements with thyroid medications?  I've never tried it before. 

My heart reacts badly to over-the-counter cold medicines now so I probably should stay away from everything unless it's necessary for treatment right now. 

May 5, 2010

Still no return phone call from my thyroid doctor!  It's been a week as of today and I've called twice in that time.  My hair is falling out again.  Anytime I run my fingers through it or move it out of my face, hair comes off in my hands.  My husband kept pulling it off my hands when he was trying to teach me something on the guitar this past weekend.  Gross. 

I am not very happy with this new doctor.  It started out so promising but now I don't know what to think!  The exhaustion makes me feel like death warmed over.  Maybe I should just get an instant life insurance quote and give up! Not! I KNOW I can feel better. I thought I had found a good doctor but he seems to be out of reach for a week now. I am irritated beyond belief!

Four pounds gained back too. Four!  GRRR!!!  It's supposed to keep coming off, not come back again.  He needs to adjust my meds.  Why isn't he returning my phone calls?!?!