Sep 28, 2010

The job interviews hubby had on Friday were a no-go.  He said the places were dives and not the environment he wants to work in...and I was already furniture shopping in my mind for modern furniture. Actually, what was running through my mind was everything I'd have to do to get four kids, five dogs, two horses and a snake moved by myself because hubby would go ahead of us to start the job while I got us packed and ready to move.

So, we're still job-hunting and wanting to relocate back to our home state.  It's just going to take longer.

Sep 22, 2010

My little sister is in training to compete in fitness.  It's not body building.  She called it flexible something or other.  It's about being lean but in shape.  It sounded like it was about being able to build muscle without building it up so much that your shape was no longer feminine. I'm not sure that is the right word for it but that's about the only way I can think to describe it. She's eating right and using a trainer. It sounds very healthy anyway.

I just realized I forgot to eat breakfast this morning!  I'm not taking phentermine to suppress my appetite and didn't do it on purpose. I just forgot to eat! That's pretty usual for me with trying to get four kids off to school and then my husband getting home from work.  I forget!  I only remember when I start to feel nauseous from not eating - hypoglycemic. 

My husband gets upset with me when I forget. He said I need to eat breakfast to jumpstart my metabolism. I'd love to eat breakfast; not like I'm doing it on purpose.  Geez.

Sep 20, 2010

Yikes!  The thought of relocating and all that goes along with it is starting to get overwhelming.  I am thinking in my mind of everything that I will need to get done to get four kids, five dogs, and two horses to another state within a few weeks.  I keep finding myself getting the munchies - must be stress!  I'll have to add a visit to the web site on my "to do" list!

Take a deep breath!  Whew!  Nope, still feeling anxious.

Sep 19, 2010


My brother does that fitness program that everybody is talking about - p90x. He's in his 40's and more fit than most guys in their early 20's (the other guys in their 20's are probably also doing p90x). He keeps telling me I should give it a try.

Have you tried it?  Did you like it?  Did you see results?  What is the difficultly level?

I am a month away from 39!  Yikes, that's only one year away from the big 4-0!!  I can't say enough about how much that is really going to suck.  Does 40 make me middle-aged now?  I think it does.

It's not like my hair will suddenly go gray and wrinkles will suddenly sag across my face.  That actually started a few years ago. 

Will 40 scare me into a regular exercise routine?  Better eating habits?  Anti-aging cosmetics?  Anti-aging products like hgh spray? Suzanne Somers uses HGH and she raves about it.  Taking better care of myself with better eating habits and exercise isn't a bad thing.  To be honest, I bought some anti-aging cosmetics when I turned 38...guess I didn't handle turning 38 all that well either. 

I can honestly say I won't handle 39 any better.

Sep 18, 2010

On Friday, all the kids were finally back in school.  It was the first day since August 28, 2010 that there wasn't a child home sick.  It's been neverending illnesses around here. Right now as I type, my middle daughter has a low-grade fever so I think she's going to be home sick next.

With my first day to myself, I did some cleaning, trying to rid the house of germs, cleaned the bathroom, had a riding lesson, and soaked in a tub without a child at the door wanting something.  So, a little "domestic" stuff and a little "me" time.  I started thinking about how to decorate for Halloween - it's just around the corner now and it is my favorite holiday!  Pretty soon, it'll be time to decorate for Christmas with white led christmas lights!! 2010 sure is going fast.

Hopefully, since my kids have been hit with illnesses so hard since school started, fall and winter will breeze by.  I need to wipe down the surfaces the kids touch more often (faucets, handles, etc.) and make sure they're washing up when they come home from school, carrying germs with them.  I hesitate to use anti-bacterial cleaning solutions because they're just breeding superbugs (did you hear about that?).  It's called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, or NDM-1.  Last year it was the swine flu.  The year before, was it MRSA? 

Sep 7, 2010

According to an article on Yahoo Health, Japan has found a gene in bacteria responsible for making bugs into superbugs (drug-resistant to antibiotics). Right now, the gene is widespread in India. Expect it to come to the states soon I would imagine. This gene will make antibiotic resistance a huge issue for all.

If swine flu caused massive panic last year, I think this is going to make the swine flu panic look like child's play. The wait at the doctor's office will become longer as panic over illnesses rise, antibiotics will be given less, and people will be start looking more at life insurance like at  Despite antibiotics being over-prescribed, they are also life-saving.  Is that going to change now?

I am so not looking forward to the next health panic.

Can you believe that Christmas is already just around the corner?  School has started, summer heat is coming to an end, and pretty soon we'll see leaves falling gold and red from the trees.  From there, it's a hop, skip, and a jump to Christmas toys, family visits, overeating and snow!  Oh yeah, don't forget the coming new year too! 

2010 is really flying by.  I can't believe how fast.  Does that happen the older you get? 

Sep 3, 2010

With the economy still bad after so many years, what is left to invest in that will see a good return?  I know our 401K took a huge hit when the economy first tumbled and it's wheezing itself slowing back out of the negatives.  I've heard that gold is a good investment. How do you invest in gold? Gold bars? Just buy stock in a gold company?

I am a ninny when it comes to investing. As you can tell, I know nothing about it.

The kids are back in school.  It was hard to see the youngest start school, definitely had to choke back tears, but it's fine now.  In fact, after the arguing she and I do in the mornings over her shoes and brushing her teeth, and the fighting they all do over the bathroom, I'm ready to nudge her right out the front door with the rest of them for the bus and lock the door behind all of them.

Health-wise, not so good.  I am back to gaining weight.  My neck has been hurting for weeks now.  I don't know if it is thyroid-related or my TMJ since both are giving me problems at the moment. 

I thought with all the kids going to school, I'd be bored out of my mind but there is just too much to do.  It's definitely not sitting around on outdoor chaise lounges, eating bon bons or watching soap operas. I haven't seen one soap opera yet!  If there are stay-at-home moms who have the time to sit around all day and do nothing, I'd like to borrow their maids please!