Nov 24, 2011

My little sister is trying to get engaged. I say "trying" because her boyfriend wants to but my sister seems to have these phobias about men who treat her too nicely. I'm not sure why she always picks guys who treat her badly and then wants to run from the good guys who are nice. She's definitely never been without a guy - - not a candidate for free online dating but she goes from nice to bad to nice to bad. I am hoping she'll finally get engaged to the current boyfriend and not get scared and sabotage it.

Why do women do that?

Who ate healthy for Thanksgiving?

Just wondering.

I didn't.

Nov 12, 2011

I haven't had anymore gallstone attacks this past week. I cut back on the chocolate and pizza (notice I said "cut back" and not "eliminated").  For some people, I imagine they have to totally eliminate certain foods but I find that if I do most foods in moderation, I can handle them just fine.  Really, shouldn't we be eating healthy foods and the bad ones only in moderation anyway?

I need to find a "thank you" gift for a friend who has been there for me through these things and have been looking for gift baskets that say "thanks" and I found some that includes fruit!  What better way to say thanks and in a healthy way?

Nov 6, 2011

We just bought cabinets for my family room!  It's the first step to actually turning it into a family room and not a catch all for everything, including dust which is bad for my allergies (looks more like a basement than a family room).  I want to expand our storage with that room, as well as set up a living space for the kids to play their video games and watch television.  I am looking for rustic decor in that room, while the rest of the house is more contemporary comfortable.

I can't wait to add "family room" onto my husband's "honey do" list!  I'm sure he'll be happy.  *snicker*

It seems like the economy will never right itself at this pace!  Can you imagine the chronic stress levels right now across the United States?  Too bad you can't buy stock in cortisol - the stress hormone!  At a time when money is scarce and the debt collection agencies are ringing your telephones, medical bills are probably skyrocketing for illnesses and diseases caused by or made worse by stress.

I really believe chronic stress levels caused my thyroid disease. I honestly do. Of course, that would have more to do with my husband's ex than the economy for me.  I also developed TMJ from constantly clenching my jaw (out of anger or out of biting my tongue - who knows).  While I worry about money, the ex has been the biggest stress factor for me since I married almost 16 years ago.

Nov 3, 2011

Two nights ago, my body warned me that my eating habits lately were pretty bad (with Halloween candy around, plus candy from my birthday and Sweetest Day, what else was going to happen but bad eating habits?).  I had a gallbladder attack - gallstones are such a bummer!  It's been over a year I think since my last attack.  I was not expecting this attack at all.  It's generally hash browns that bring them on but I've not had hash browns in forever.

My Recent Gallbladder Attack Symptoms:

I was sitting in bed reading and felt like I had heartburn.  I thought it was the pizza but I don't get heartburn unless I'm pregnant (which I'm not).  Then the pain and burning was on my right side, right up under my rib cage in front and up through shoulder blades in back, front and back, and I felt nauseous...oops, gallbladder attack! I drank a lot of water, did some stretches, gagged a little bit, and then it was over. Thankfully, it was a minor attack compared to previous ones. Usually I vomit for at least an hour - repeatedly and very hard and cry in a lot of pain while wondering if this stone blocking the way is too big to pass through.  This one didn't even make me cry.

Too bad gallbladder - I win this round!