Aug 27, 2013

I am in the process of making hair accessories out of flowers for my girls.  My kids always ask me to buy then when we go to the hair salon, but I don't like spending $3-$5 per piece when I can make them so much cheaper.  I bought the flowers in bulk and am going to go to town on them this week.  I might even sell them too (for less than the hair salons and Wal-Mart charge for them).

My girls like to add hair extensions into their hair for fun so that is next on my list of things to hunt down.

Back to school time is a busy time getting everything ready (and talk about the money hemorrhaging - supplies, clothes, sports fees, sports clothes, pictures, etc.), but it gets quiet here during the day.  Making hair accessories will be a fun thing to do on the side.

Aug 25, 2013

Do you know how Raggedy Ann (created by Johnny Gruelle) came into existence?

According to wikipedia:

Gruelle created Raggedy Ann for his daughter, Marcella, when she brought him an old hand-made rag doll and he drew a face on it. From his bookshelf, he pulled a book of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, and combined the names of two poems, "The Raggedy Man" and "Little Orphant Annie." He said, "Why don't we call her Raggedy Ann?" 

Marcella died at age 13, shortly after being vaccinated at school for smallpox without her parents' consent. Authorities blamed a heart defect, but her parents blamed the vaccination. Gruelle became an opponent of vaccination, and the Raggedy Ann doll was used as a symbol by the anti-vaccination movement.

My husband is in the middle of selling a bunch of his stuff (music stuff, bike stuff) to buy a few things for protection.  Once he gets what he wants, I know he is going to miss all his stuff.  He's going to want another electric guitar, he's going to want an amp, he's going to want his mics he sold.  I was looking at the Shure SM58 Mic at musician's friend for him but after reading how it can take abuse, I think I'll buy it for my two youngest daughters to use.  They abuse their microphones like crazy - dropped, knocked into things, left out.  This might make a great Christmas gift.

Have you started Christmas shopping?  My youngest daughter literally has PAGES of things written down on hers and then hundreds of things in her wishlist online.  It's CRAZY!!

Aug 24, 2013

Have you ever wondered if the radiation in mammograms can cause cancer?

Think about it.  If you get a mammogram every year starting at 35-40 years of age, will the radiation over time give you breast cancer?

Many people think it can.  Here's one article here. There's many more.  Google it.

Curious. More research for me.

Aug 22, 2013

I have been reading about the success people have had curing their cancer, diabetes and epileptic seizures using cannabis oil (this is can buy it at Amazon - not sure of the quality but you can buy it from there).


From what I have read, they use a different part of the marijuana plant than what people smoke for the hallucinatory aspect of it.

It's interesting reading.  I am definitely going to do more research.  It sounds like, if it is a cure, the government and Big Pharma just doesn't want you to have it (it would affect the money in their pockets).  

I have two dogs who have seizures.  I was wondering if this would help.  I might try it. 


I have been reading a lot about vaccinations.  I had my babies vaccinated as babies.  I went along with what the doctors said and never thought any different.  It wasn't until my own LONG path to thyroid wellness and the pediatrician trying to push Gardasil on my kids that I realized - doctors don't know everything and they may not be prescribing things in a person's best interests.  Sometimes, Big Pharma wins.  (Ok, usually they win...but should they win at the expense of our own health and that of our children?)

At that point, I started doing a lot of reading about Gardasil and reading about the teen and pre-teen side effects.  If they would push THIS vaccine on my children, after all the side effects reported (and you know they aren't all reported), why would I trust any other vaccine without research first?

Have you checked out the ingredients in your child's vaccines?

Why are babies given a Hepatitis B vaccine for something transmitted through body fluids (babies don't have sex)?  Unless their mother has Hepatitis B, why?  Sorry, but test mom for Hepatitis B rather than give a newborn baby a shot they don't need if mom doesn't have it.  As my eight-year-old would say - DUH?

I am curious to know what the rate of diseases are in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children.  I was researching a bit and came across this article. This article talks about how the rate of asthma in vaccinated children is higher in comparison to unvaccinated.

Another article talks about the global perspective with vaccines found here.

I also recently read about how Gardasil is causing infertility in girls (among other things like seizures, deaths). I am really glad I didn't allow that vaccine.  I would not want to be responsible for causing that side effect in my daughter. Guess if somebody wants to control the population, that would be one way to do it.  Japan is withdrawing its support of this vaccine.  Read about that here.

I have also heard about how the foundation that Bill Gates runs was responsible for mass paralysis of kids in another country with vaccines they gave.

Will I never get another vaccine for my kids?  I don't know.  I am still researching.  Would vaccines for things like Tetanus be a good thing?  Maybe.  I just don't know enough yet to make a good decision. So, I research.

Aug 7, 2013

A few days ago, I was grocery shopping and came across this little old man grocery shopping.  He looked lost.  He explained that his wife had died awhile ago and that she had done all the shopping. He didn't know what he needed or where anything was. I felt so bad for him. I helped him find what he needed but felt guilty that I couldn't do anything else for him. I didn't know what else to do!

I wonder - does this man have any children who weren't helping their dad? Isn't there a neighbor or friend for him?  What a sad thing to have happen - live your entire life and then have nobody to help you towards the end of it.  It was incredibly sad.

For me, I do not get along with my dad.  Years of dysfunction will do that. My childhood - I remember the dysfunction (fighting, tears, anger), the money problems, the tool that looked like c clamps bolted to his workbench in the garage (why would I remember that?).  I don't have any good childhood memories.

I don't want to end up like this poor older man in the grocery store when I am older. I hope we are raising our kids better than that. I hope that we have been good parents to them that they are around when we are older.

I am almost 42 years old and done having children.  So, that "time of the month" is just an annoyance anymore.  Imagine how annoyed I was when it came two weeks early this month! I just got off it the week before.

This tells me the recent adjustment for my Nature-throid for my thyroid disease might be off.  I might be getting those blood tests a little earlier than I planned.  No way do I want periods every two weeks!


If your periods are not regular or if you are having a hard time conceiving, this can be a thyroid disease symptom.  For me, it means my thyroid medication dosage treating my hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis isn't right so my hormone levels are off.

Aug 2, 2013

I have these two is a Yamaha acoustic and the other is a red Takamine acoustic-electric.  I haven't played them in a long time.  They hang on my wall and collect dust.  They're so pretty...they're art!  That bugs my guitar-playing husband who is always trying to get me to give him one of them.  Um, no.  He has his own!  I know he doesn't like that I just admire them on our wall rather than play them, but I love them.

Now, if he wants to buy me one of these exciting gibson j 200 at musicians friend, then we can talk. Probably not.  I still wouldn't give up my other guitars, but I wouldn't mind this beautiful Gibson!