Aug 22, 2013


I have been reading a lot about vaccinations.  I had my babies vaccinated as babies.  I went along with what the doctors said and never thought any different.  It wasn't until my own LONG path to thyroid wellness and the pediatrician trying to push Gardasil on my kids that I realized - doctors don't know everything and they may not be prescribing things in a person's best interests.  Sometimes, Big Pharma wins.  (Ok, usually they win...but should they win at the expense of our own health and that of our children?)

At that point, I started doing a lot of reading about Gardasil and reading about the teen and pre-teen side effects.  If they would push THIS vaccine on my children, after all the side effects reported (and you know they aren't all reported), why would I trust any other vaccine without research first?

Have you checked out the ingredients in your child's vaccines?

Why are babies given a Hepatitis B vaccine for something transmitted through body fluids (babies don't have sex)?  Unless their mother has Hepatitis B, why?  Sorry, but test mom for Hepatitis B rather than give a newborn baby a shot they don't need if mom doesn't have it.  As my eight-year-old would say - DUH?

I am curious to know what the rate of diseases are in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children.  I was researching a bit and came across this article. This article talks about how the rate of asthma in vaccinated children is higher in comparison to unvaccinated.

Another article talks about the global perspective with vaccines found here.

I also recently read about how Gardasil is causing infertility in girls (among other things like seizures, deaths). I am really glad I didn't allow that vaccine.  I would not want to be responsible for causing that side effect in my daughter. Guess if somebody wants to control the population, that would be one way to do it.  Japan is withdrawing its support of this vaccine.  Read about that here.

I have also heard about how the foundation that Bill Gates runs was responsible for mass paralysis of kids in another country with vaccines they gave.

Will I never get another vaccine for my kids?  I don't know.  I am still researching.  Would vaccines for things like Tetanus be a good thing?  Maybe.  I just don't know enough yet to make a good decision. So, I research.


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