Apr 26, 2010

Oh gosh, what am I going to do if my new doctor takes forever to manage my thyroid correctly?  I want a straight T3 or a higher dose of the compounded Armour but he wants my temperatures for five days first.  He told me at my last appointment that I'd probably need to increase my dose so why not just increase it? 

I'm getting anxious.  I don't want to get fat again.  I want to be looking for great summer clothes that show of the smaller me instead of weight loss products.  I need to be more patient.  Five days isn't that much right and it's almost over with now.  I am better than I was so baby steps then.

Patience, patience, patience.  I have never been a patient person. 

My doctor and I are still trying to get my thyroid medication dosage to the right dose.  Over the last couple weeks, I've been very cold, exhausted, and have the memory of swiss cheese.  My period went back to very heavy again too.  My doctor has me taking my morning temperatures (it has to do with my thyroid) for five days so when those five days are up, I'll call him with the results and go from there.  So far, they've been 97.2, 97.4, and 97.7 the last three mornings. 

I am worried because a pound has creeped back onto me and I don't want it to keep creeping up!  Not after losing 19 pounds and liking it!  That just makes my final weight loss goal that much further away.  I have been looking at diet pills side effects just in case.

Hopefully by the end of this week, I will have news from my doctor on our next step either here on my Thyroid Hell blog.  Hopefully it is the kind of news that clears up the brain fog and exhaustion!

Apr 21, 2010

I've read several of Suzanne Somers' books about staying healthy and one of them talked about how she takes human growth hormone for her health.  This is one subject that I will readily admit that I know nothing about but I know there are many people who claim benefits from it. 

Do you get this or do you know anybody who gets it?  I'm curious to know as much about it as I can find out.  I find the older I get, the less I trust mainstream doctors and tend to lean towards what is considered alternative by many.  My natural thyroid medication, while once the only medication used for thyroid disease for years and booted out of the way for the synthetic thyroid medication, is one "alternative" treatment I use.  It took me years to find a good doctor for it too!

Apr 20, 2010

Yesterday, I was hungry all day long.  I wanted to munch non-stop!  That's not good for my weight loss goals.  I'm not sure why I felt like that.  I craved cold pizza like you wouldn't believe.

Some of my family would be wondering if they would see baby shower invitations in the mail if they read this because we have six kids and they think we'll just keep reproducing and automatically see a sign of a food craving as pregnancy. No plans to!  My husband turns 44 this year.  He is beyond the age of wanting anymore children.  Our youngest starts kindergarten in August and neither one of us wants to start over.

Apr 19, 2010

CNN Health has a news report out about the Rotarix Rotavirus Vaccine.  I have never had this given to my children but I am sure many parents have or are thinking about it so it's information you should know.  Read about it here.

Apr 16, 2010

I have a hard time finding a good facial cleanser. It seems like most everything I use when I am looking for the best acne facewash or make-up remover irritates my sensitive skin. It actually breaks out in little bumps on my cheeks (not acne, but bumps). Then the zits around my nose that seem to appear AFTER I clean my face…isn’t 38 years old a little old to be getting pimples around my nose for a few weeks every month?

There are several vacant businesses in our small downtown area. My husband and I briefly talked (wished) about having our own business. I am not sure what the trends say for top franchises 2010 but I had this great idea the other day for a small business…and then I forgot it. Darn thyroid! Hurry up, thyroid, and get regulated so I get all my memory back.  I can't run a business if I can't remember anything!

I am still at the 19 pound weight loss mark. With my thyroid medication dosage change, my weight started to creep up again little by little until I was weighing in two pounds heavier. It’s not a big deal normally but considering I’ve gone past the halfway point for my weight loss goal, I don’t want to add more weight and have to take it all off again. My thyroid doctor thought I would have to increase my medication and he was right. Besides weight, I started having other symptoms too.

I don’t think that after four children, I will ever have a flat tummy without liposuction (which I won’t do) or some type of weight loss surgery to seriously lose more weight than I plan on losing, but it sure would be nice to lose that fat off my tummy of another pound or two. I have four kids. I have baby belly. I’m almost used to it by now.

Apr 13, 2010

I've been a bit emotionally drained lately.  My stepdaughter is having problems but it is one of those things where she wants my advice but doesn't want to take the advice type of situations right now.  She's not ready to deal with the issues and I understand where she's at.  Been there, done that.  It's just getting emotionally draining to have the constant texts, instant messages, and private messages asking for help but then having any ideas shot down.  She's really down right now.  I wish I could make it all better for her but I can't.  She has to do it herself.

Shopping might help boost my spirits a bit and I found a gift card for Best Buy in my purse the other day that I had forgotten I had.  I wanted to buy the Nintendo Wii Fit with the balance board so  might just use that card to put towards it.  My kids also want some hunting games so it will be one or the other.  Maybe some activity on the Wii will get my spirits up.  My husband and I are also going to start walking tomorrow morning.  The weather is warming up nicely so it should make for a nice walk.

Apr 6, 2010

A study I just read on Yahoo Health talks about how Vitamin D3 (not D2 which is found in most multivitamins) may help reduce flu and asthma attacks.  Speaking from personal experience, I give my kids gummy chew Vitamin D3 every day and none of them were sick through the winter months until March.  Then I ran out in March and didn't replace it right away.  Three out of four of my kids had to fight off the stomach flu TWICE EACH in one month's time when they'd avoided colds and flu all winter long prior to my running out.

I take Vitamin D3 as well and I didn't get the flu at all this winter and my asthma has been just fine as well. Even when my kids were really sick, and I was cleaning up after them and taking care of them, I didn't get it.  I really believe there is something to that study and look forward to reading about more studies in the future.

I really need to get off of here.  I get on my blogs and start messing around and forget my "to do" list.  I am supposed to be looking up an epson receipt printer for a friend. I love my regular Epson Artisan printer and I'm supposed to find out more about their receipt printers. I better get to work now!

Apr 1, 2010

After years of weight struggles, checking out diet pills and looking up specific pills in a diet pill review, I rewarded myself for the 19 pound weight loss with a new pair of wicked heels (they really are wicked...hurt like heck!) and expensive pair of jeans. I have never spent more than $20 or so on jeans. Not this week!  My husband couldn't wait to get the jeans ordered for me.  He pushed me to do it.  He said I never buy anything for myself. 

Now that I am starting to like what I look like again, he may be opening up a can of worms with the expensive shopping.  Expensive jeans could be a bad trend to start.  Oh well, they came today and they look great! 

13 pounds left to lose! 

Between my asthma and thyroid disease and the daily medications needed for both, I feel like I'm high-maintenance.  I felt so unhealthy, like I needed to get some more life insurance rates just in case.  I mentioned feeling high-maintenance to my hubby the other day and he said that everybody has health problems and that I'm not high-maintenance.  He's sweet.

Now that the weight is coming off and the problem with my thyroid disease is FINALLY known (shame on the other doctors who treated me for eight years incorrectly), I am feeling better, not just physically but emotionally.  I feel better about myself and have more energy.  Makes me a lot more fun too!


Our vacation is over.  It was great while it lasted.  We enjoyed it so much, my husband ended up calling into work the next work day because we didn't want it to end.  We spent six days straight with each other and we enjoyed each other so much.  The kids had a blast with family and are now enjoying the rest of their spring break.  It's great to just get away from everything for awhile.

My sister has a great house on the water and she has these windows in her house that look like glass mosaic tile...like a stained glass. I would love to do that to the octagon window over our front door (and add some glass tiles above the countertops).

We had such a good time we are going to try to go back this summer!