Jan 29, 2009

I haven't done too well the last couple of days. I haven't binged on anything...nothing like that. I just didn't do anything to make my health better.

I asked my husband the other day if it was better to do MORE sit-ups and hold them for less time or LESS sit-ups and hold them for more time. He said less. OK, that's what I thought. So I only did 15 sit-ups the other day, holding them for a count of ten. I thought that was pretty mild stuff. Hubby said I was overdoing it and was going to hurt myself. *pick up chin off the floor* I only did 15! That's discouraging to me. I think I know when I can feel that I am hurting myself and believe me, I am the last person in the world that is going to push myself so hard, fitness-wise, and cause damage. I'm lazy! I didn't think 15 was that big of a deal. I was actually going to do a set of 15 a couple times a day, every other day, but I didn't tell him that after I got a lecture after only doing the first set.

The last time I started exercising, he thought ten minutes of Turbo Jam was too much and I was going to hurt myself. My face gets red easy so maybe that's why he's so worried. He sees that as over-exertion. I am very pale so ANY change in blood flow is going to show. A couple of our kids are the same way so you'd think he'd realize? *sigh* I got discouraged and put it away. I didn't want a lecture every time I took the DVD out or talked about it. He was overweight as a child and his family thought it was "cute" - - you would think he would be the one person who would understand the need for encouragement?

It just gets discouraging. I am not a fitness buff. At all. I need encouragement! I don't think he wants me to remain 20-25 pounds overweight? I don't know. Maybe he likes the extra weight it brings to my chest, lol. Just kidding. Maybe.

What I don't get is this: Why are 15 sit-ups too much but he has no problem with me shoveling snow. My husband knows I won't leave it (like he would leave the snow...he just four wheel drives over it)? Boy if he could have felt my heart rate this morning! I went out there today and only got a small section shoveled, big enough for the mail car, so the mail could be delivered today (about 3 ft. deep that the road crews pushed into our driveway) before I felt like my heart was going to explode and felt nauseous. I had to stop before I sent myself to the ER with an asthma attack. Shoveling snow is a lot harder on my body than 15 sit-ups!

I don't understand. I just get discouraged.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I think you have the world at your finger tips here on the Net.

    Do a little research and you will know enough to feel how much is too much.

    "Too Much" usually resides farther down the road than most think. You can do it. Do it for you.

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