Jan 21, 2009

Why am I writing a blog about my health? Because I've let it (my health) go.

I've been married for 13 years and I've had four children. I also have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, am hypothyroid, and goiters (nodules on my thyroid). I was a size 2 when I married. I am a 10 now with most of the weight concentrated around - where else? My abdomen! The worst place, for my health, for it to be.

I am always aware of that extra weight and how it makes me feel about myself. I don't feel good about it. It also causes me pain because it throws my center off, throws my back off. I have constant problems with my back now and am continually pulling muscles.

You can see the different phases of me: my senior picture 20 years ago and the weight I carry in my face now (believe me, I carry a lot more in my belly area but I'm not ready to post those pics...ugh); a picture of me three years ago which was taken during the phase when my weight started going up and down by 20 pounds without any help from me; and then my children and husband who I want to be healty for. What fun is it for my kids if when mom gets on the floor to play with them, it isn't as easy getting back up again or I tire easier than I should be at my age?

I want some of who I used to be back again. I want to be 25 pounds lighter. 25 pounds isn't going to take me back to a size 2; I don't want to be a size 2 like in my senior picture above (if I was even a 2...might have been a 0). I am too tall and was way too skinny at the weight I was when I was a size 2. It didn't look healthy. I want to be a size 6 or 8. I want to feel sexy in my own skin again. I want to put on a piece of clothing and say, "Damn, I look good." Better yet, I want to say, "Damn, I feel good!" I thought if I wrote about it, it would stay in the forefront of my mind...that I wouldn't let it go.

So, a new blog is born. Welcome!


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