Finding myself again.
I have a moderately severe case of asthma. Without my daily preventative (Advair), I'd be having asthma attacks regularly. Actually, I believe I'd be dead by now. No doubt about it. My last ER trip due to asthma, before this medication, almost killed me. When I asked my doctor how close it came, he held his index finger and thumb together with barely a space in between. Too close. I can't escape the respiratory distress in the winter months so Advair is a must.
I despise having to take daily meds but if it means the difference between living and the morgue, well, I choose living. Duh!
In the course of a diet I started (and didn't finish...sigh) last year, I found out that if I cut dairy out of my diet, the need for my daily preventative wasn't urgent. My asthma symptoms improved SO much. I didn't have any milk or cheese for a week and in terms of my asthma, I hadn't felt so good in years.
So you'd think I would've cut dairy out of my regular diet? I didn't. I like cheese too much. Sad huh? What is even more sad is that I am lactose intolerant. Even more incentive to stop ingesting dairy but I didn't. I just don't drink it in the morning when it hurts my stomach (cramps). What does that say? I have more incentive for gratification than for my health. Somebody give me the dunce cap!
My "once a day health booster" for today is to not have any dairy and to take a multi-vitamin to make up for any vitamins I'd be missing. I'm going to go do that right now!
Labels: asthma, once a day health booster