Oct 21, 2009

Preliminary research in Canada is pointing in that direction. This needs to be validated still. To read the article, click here.

The FDA took a smack at Dr. Weil's knuckles last week, issuing him a warning letter about selling supplements that claim to support the immune system and that have "antiviral and immunity-enhancing properties".

Apparently, the FDA doesn't want him saying on his web site that certain herbs can help ward off colds and flu. It appears as if they only want Big Pharma to make the money with their drugs instead.

Big Pharma and our government really need to get out of bed with each other!

I found this article, 14 Ways to Prevent Swine Flu, and thought I'd share it with you. I knew a few of these:

  • Optimize Vitamin D levels (there's a difference between being optimized and taking the recommended levels which is true for other things as well (such as treating thyroid disease).
  • Lower stress levels (SO important).
  • Get the right amount of sleep and exercise.
  • Wash hands frequently (and not with antibacterial soap).

There's more though. Here's the link so you can check it out!

It's the question on a lot of people's minds right now.

The government has a web site out called Flu.gov. You can get answers to your questions, find out about prevention and treatment as well as find out where to find vaccines if you want to risk getting a virus injected into your body.

I've decided not to get the vaccine. I've never received a flu vaccine and don't intend to start now, even though I am in the higher risk category because of my asthma. My lack of trust in Big Pharma and the government is a huge roadblock.

I am on the road to ridding my body of some unnatural substances (synthetic thyroid hormones and fluoride to start). Pesticides and hormones need to be a next step.

If I had a green thumb, which I don't, I'd invest in some grow lights and start my own mini indoor greenhouse for organic herbs. That's how worried I am about some of the toxic substances we ingest (pesticides on our vegetables and fruits and hormones in our meat and dairy come to mind). It'd be great to have my own garden, knowing exactly where the food came from and how it was grown! I can't keep plants alive to save my life (or theirs apparently). I'd have to hire a gardener, which will never happen (being broke would prevent that).

Oct 19, 2009

Last year, my husband and I both came down with a stomach virus. Every time, my stomach started rumbling and feeling like it was going to revolt against me, I took a couple sips of my water bottle (that I had added a couple teaspoons of lemon juice too). It settled my stomach which stopped me from having to heave in the bathroom.

My husband, who wouldn't listen to me about drinking lemon juice in water, was in the bathroom many times over 24 hours to vomit. He'd head to the bathroom and I'd grab my water bottle for a sip. He looked like death and I just looked a little under the weather while I rested on the couch.

I used this same treatment again this morning. I've felt a little nauseous here and there over the last couple days but this morning, it was really bad after I ate breakfast. We had to leave Wal-Mart because I didn't want to vomit in the store. My stomach would not stop moving - definitely upset about something! As soon as we got home, I poured a little lemon juice in a 16 oz. water bottle and have been sipping on it. No more rumblies in my tumblies! I'm sitting here typing instead of laying on the couch miserable.

I'm not sure what it is about lemon juice but it does a great job of stopping the upset stomach/vomiting cycle that comes with a stomach bug.

Oct 17, 2009

I started this blog with the idea that it would track my journey into getting healthier. I wasn't getting very far with it! How frustrating.

I do feel like I am on the right track with treating my thyroid by educating myself because many family doctors or endocrinologists really don't know how to treat it other than to throw a synthetic pill at it. Well, one pill doesn't fit all and I wish they'd realize that! So, that is one positive step.

I've lost several pounds and even with that female stuff and bloating, not too bad! The scale reflects that so I will have to remember that maybe it's not a good time to step on the scale at those times so I don't get discouraged - - no point in taking one step forward and two back.

Trying to lose weight through managing my thyroid is the way I plan to work through this goal of mine but it doesn't stop me from being curious about other ideas, like dieting, when I feel like it's going so slow. I read a little about the Kevin Trudeau Weight Loss program, which involves a natural hormone called HCG. I'm all about the "natural" hormones right now so this caught my attention. I may have to look into it more if I can't get my thyroid stabilized soon.

Oct 15, 2009

Yippee! I've lost 7.5 pounds at the last weigh-in the other day on the new thyroid medication! I'm working towards another 20 pounds lost and then I will start to think about setting a date to renew our vows in the next year or so. I didn't want to look "thick" for the ceremony (or the party afterwards). We didn't have any pre-parties the first time around so maybe we should go all out and plan that too with bridal shower favors and all! That might be pushing it too much but I might still wear white! OK, maybe cream. Well, it depends on what color the dress is when I find the perfect dress!

I turn 38 tomorrow. 38!!!! Do you realize how close that is to the big 4-0? I do!

My oldest daughter doesn't help my anxiety over getting closer to 40. Here's a story every mom will just love:

When I was helping her with her algebra recently, I was flipping
through her algebra book and she looked at my hands and said, "You hands are getting really wrinkly."

Then there was a pause as she realized what she'd just said then a
quick, "...or they're just really dry."

Good try to save yourself but it didn't work. I obviously need to look into some anti aging skin care.

I was telling a friend about it and we all got a good laugh about it, but she was right. My hands have aged. I really need to take better care of my skin if I want to age gracefully rather than dreadfully.

There have been more news reports of girls suffering side effects from the vaccine (convulsions, nausea, brain damage, etc.) from the vaccine being given to girls in school in the UK (cervarix). This isn't any different than the side effects suffered by girls in the U.S.A. over the gardasil vaccine, but our media doesn't seem to be picking it up enough to bring it mainstream. Our media is no longer an objective news outlet so that's no big surprise thought it is a disappointment.

When the hell are they going to take this crap off the market?

More reports:

I've refused the cervical cancer vaccine for my girls and I will continue to refuse it. I don't care what they mandate for it. Nobody can force me to allow anybody to give this to my girls. The pediatrician brings it up at every well-visit and I refuse it every time.

Oct 11, 2009

Woo hoo! Seven pounds have come off since I switched my thyroid medication! Yeah!!