Oct 17, 2009

I started this blog with the idea that it would track my journey into getting healthier. I wasn't getting very far with it! How frustrating.

I do feel like I am on the right track with treating my thyroid by educating myself because many family doctors or endocrinologists really don't know how to treat it other than to throw a synthetic pill at it. Well, one pill doesn't fit all and I wish they'd realize that! So, that is one positive step.

I've lost several pounds and even with that female stuff and bloating, not too bad! The scale reflects that so I will have to remember that maybe it's not a good time to step on the scale at those times so I don't get discouraged - - no point in taking one step forward and two back.

Trying to lose weight through managing my thyroid is the way I plan to work through this goal of mine but it doesn't stop me from being curious about other ideas, like dieting, when I feel like it's going so slow. I read a little about the Kevin Trudeau Weight Loss program, which involves a natural hormone called HCG. I'm all about the "natural" hormones right now so this caught my attention. I may have to look into it more if I can't get my thyroid stabilized soon.


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