Oct 21, 2009

The FDA took a smack at Dr. Weil's knuckles last week, issuing him a warning letter about selling supplements that claim to support the immune system and that have "antiviral and immunity-enhancing properties".

Apparently, the FDA doesn't want him saying on his web site that certain herbs can help ward off colds and flu. It appears as if they only want Big Pharma to make the money with their drugs instead.

Big Pharma and our government really need to get out of bed with each other!


  1. Anonymous said...
    How can we petition to exonerate Dr. Weil from blame? How can we tell the FDA that astragulus IS good for the immune system?
    Syn said...
    I don't think anything we say to them will make a difference. There's something going on right now within the gov't that seems really corrupt to me. Not just with Dr. Weil, but the way the FDA came in to stomp on Armour for thyroid, a medication that has been around for eons and helps millions. If THEY (FDA and their cronies who benefit) can't make oodles of money off of it, they are going to stomp it out. They want synthetic money makers instead of natural.

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