Feb 16, 2009

Gardasil for Boys

Merck is trying to get their controversial vaccine, Gardasil, approved for males age 9 to 26. I haven't heard if they've done that yet. I'll be watching and waiting to see.

Merck estimates making 1.6 billion off of this drug this year. Boy, imagine their profits if they get it approved for boys too.

There are too many questions regarding this vaccine. I believe that if parents read all the reports on adverse reactions and deaths, they would think twice about giving this to their child. I know when our pediatrician asked me about it, I could have said "yes", trusting that she knew what was best without knowing much about the drug. I told her, "No, I need to research it a bit first because I'm not too familiar with it." That was a couple years ago. My daughter just turned twelve so I am sure there will be another push from her pediatrician to get the vaccine.

Risk her health and life on a vaccine, whose adverse reactions are being ignored by the makers and government, to prevent what a condom could prevent? I don't think so. The CDC and FDA have received these reports, however, they feel the benefits outweigh the risks. I am sure the parents of one of the dead children wouldn't agree with that! One less, one less doesn't only mean one less risk for cervical cancer. For some families, it means one less child when their child dies after receiving this vaccine.

If you would like to read more about Gardasil's adverse reactions from families who have had them and lost children to them, use my google search in the sidebar. Search "gardasil" and it will bring up all my gardasil posts with links for you to research yourself. Don't believe me, but don't blindly believe doctors who get kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies either. It's your job as a parent to research everything fully before making your decision, whichever way you decide.

I am not against all vaccines in general. I just don't think this vaccine should be on the market yet. It's not safe enough yet.


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