Feb 11, 2009

I am supposed to be losing weight (see the weight ticker at the top of my blog?) but it's not happened. I've gained weight -about five pounds. Now, I have stayed pretty much consistent with my weight for the last couple years. I'm not eating MORE. Why am I gaining weight?

I am pretty sure it is my thyroid. My (men, shut your eyes for a minute) menstrual cycles are almost non-existent the last few months which is the exact opposite of the super heavy, seem to last forever periods I was used to the past few years. They're there, but barely. My skin feels horrible. My memory is worse...might as well be diagnosed senile at this point.

So, I contacted an endocrinologist to make an appointment. I haven't had one since we moved here almost three years ago. Our family doctor has been managing the meds. I was advised they won't schedule me an appointment without a referral from my family doc. OK, whatever. I call my family doctor and am advised my family doctor will look over my request and if SHE agrees to it, she'll write the referral. I will tell you right now that if she DOESN'T agree to send me to an Endocrinologist, I will find a new family doctor to get that referral. With Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Hypothyroidism, goiter, and nodules and still having symptoms...I need an Endocrinologist. I knew this when we moved here but we live in the boonies and they are all a drive away so I was hoping the local family doc was enough. It's not because my symptoms are returning.

Then what does my husband do? Brings me my favorite donuts this morning. This was after he brought some home two days ago. He asked me if I was going to eat any of them that he bought for me. I asked him if he wanted me to be 200 pounds? I already weigh more than he does now! His response was "more of me to love." Yeah...he says that now. I haven't eaten any of the donuts...had a salad for lunch:)


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