Feb 13, 2009

I've been writing about the Gardasil vaccine on my other blogs for awhile. Now that I have a health blog, I am going to start putting it here since it involves the health and safety of our children.

If you read my previous post, you know I am against this vaccine. Reports continue to come out on this vaccine and I am going to continue to share them here, hoping that it will help somebody or save somebody's child from horrible adverse reactions or death. Until they investigate this vaccine more fully and change it to where it is no longer a threat to our children or remove it from the market, I am going to continue to do so.

Here are some more recent reports:

    This is scary: Schools Gear Up For HPV Vaccine. Schools are opening themselves up for lawsuits with that one in my opinion.

    The web site created for Chris, the daughter of the mom above, is at Gardasil and Unexplained Deaths.

    To see other posts about Gardasil, click on the "Gardasil" under categories in the sidebar.


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